Friday, January 31, 2014


Today marks one year with a surgical feeding tube in place and things sure have changed since then! When I first got my tube it was because I had failed way too many food trials when we reintroduced foods. I was having terrible sinus issues with the NG-tube so it was time for it to be removed. I was nervous getting the tube placed but I am so very happy I did! It has made things ten times better for me! I was no longer the sick girl who hardly had any energy and forced herself to eat food even though it caused terrible pain. I was thriving, healthy, and able to manage a normal life!! Right after my tube was placed I had done several news interviews for Feeding Tube Awareness Week in 2013! My tube gave me the life I didn't ever have. I didn't have to worry about eating food that made me sick. I wasn't in pain anymore. I could play soccer with my tube even! I've had my ups and downs. That G-tube has been changed to a GJ-tube. I have had two central lines and been on TPN since September. I was wanting to get my g-tube placed and hopefully get it out in a year or two. However, at the moment that doesn't look like it will be happening anytime soon. I am glad my family made the choices we did and I have been able to enjoy my life! I'll add some pictures below of my past year as a "tubie"
Kiawah Island June 2013
 January 2014
 March 2013

 Removing my NG-tube!
 I'm a Super Tubie
 Nationwide Motility Testing

 Last Day as a Tubie!

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